Learning space

Every year, each student has their own labeled cubby for coat hanging, shoes, backpack, spare clothing, and other personal belongings. This area is along side the community play room, the largest part of the school building. This space is utilized for large group activities such as music, movement, art, and dramatic play. There are large tables, chairs, drawing boards, many learning equipment, and a library for quiet independent reading, class read-out-louds, circle time, show and tell, and other group lessons. The schoolhouse also has three individual classrooms based on age groups, for more focused group studies, projects, and play.

We have a large recreational field with a playground, basketball court, sandbox playhouse, fruit and vegetable garden during the Spring, and many different types of beginner bikes and play cars. Students spend a lot of time outside rain or shine, participating in team games, creative outdoor activities, or self-facilitated group play.


Yo-Yo Schoolhouse is a morning-only program from 9am—12:30pm. If you wish to continue and enroll in the afternoon program, please contact Teacher Alice of Wonderland Learning at alicetze@yahoo.com

9:00 — 9:30am
children arrive, free play,  individual work
(children-directed activities)

9:30 — 10:00am
individual work
(children-directed activities)

10:00 — 10:30am
circle time, projects
(teacher-directed activities)

10:30 — 11:00am
snack time (school provided) and library/story time

11:00 — 11:50am
outdoor play

12:00 — 12:30pm
lunch (bring your own)

morning class dismissal

12:30 — 4:00pm
Wonderland Learning (please contact Teacher Alice for enrollment details)

2024-2025 Academic School Year

2025—2026 academic school year: 09/02/25—06/17/26

Veterans Day: 11/11/25
Thanksgiving: 11/27/25—11/28/25
Winter Break: 12/22/25—01/02/26
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: 01/19/26
Mid-Winter Break: 02/12-02/13/26
President’s Day: 02/16/26
Spring Break: 04/13/26—04/17/26
Memorial Day: 05/25/26

2024—2025 academic school year: 09/03/24—06/18/25 (TBD make-up snow days)

Veterans Day: 11/11/24
Thanksgiving: 11/28/24—11/29/24
Winter Break: 12/23/24—01/03/25
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: 01/20/25
Mid-Winter Break: 02/13—02/14/25
President’s Day: 02/17/25
Spring Break: 04/14/25—04/18/25
Memorial Day: 05/26/25

We follow the Lake Washington School District’s calendar. Many of our school policies are alined with the district for consistency. Parents will be notified of any updates or changes.

Download for more information about tuition, policies, enrollment procedures, etc.


Registration Fee:  A non-refundable annual registration fee of $75 is required starting when your child is accepted into our program. This will be automatically added to the first month’s tuition invoice. Parents with more than one child attending this school pay $120. 

Family Discount:  When more than one child from the same family is enrolled, a 5% reduction is given for the second and third child.

If paying with check, please make it out to "Yo-Yo Schoolhouse LLC". Thank you.

Monthly tuition 2024-2025

Monthly tuition 2025-2026

Registration must be filled out for each child even if within the same family. If a student continues enrollment for another school year, there is no need to fill out another registration form unless information has changed.